Cost of living in a crisis – presentation at Nordic Welfare Forum, 2023

The Nososco group on social benefits made a presentation at the Nordic Welfare Forum in 2023 of an analysis of costs of living of Nordic populations in the wake of crisis in Europe.
Link to: News from Nordic Welfare Centre on the presentation

Cost of living in a crisis – presentation at Nordic Welfare Forum, 2023

During early spring of 2023 the group of heads of delegations and Nordic Welfare Centre asked the Nomesco-Nososco organisation to present material on the topic of costs of living of Nordic populations in the wake of crisis in Europe.

Both the working group on social benefits supported by the editorial group worked together with the Nomesco-Nososco secretariat on presenting an analysis of costs of living based on selected calculations of income from employment and social assistance. The editorial group provided updated information on recent changes in legislation to counter the effects of increased inflation and costs.

Data produced by the Nososco group on social benefits is part of their yearly calculation of compensation rates of changes in life situation. This analysis of costs of living combined existing, and previously unused data with Consumer price index data from national statistical agencies in the Nordic countries.

The result was an analysis demonstrating the estimated effect of inflation on consumers based on Nordic parent households with singles and couples with several representative levels of income. 

The analysis demonstrated how the high inflation rates could affect households in the Nordic countries, but also demonstrated a very similar approach in policy adaptations among the Nordic countries to counter the effects of inflation.

The presentation is available in our section of special publications.