Through the pandemic, COVID-19 was a not insignificant cause of death in the Nordic countries.

Note on data

The below graphs show deaths from COVID-19 since 2020. As much data regarding the impact of the pandemic has been circulated, note that this represents cases where COVID-19 was registered as the underlying cause of death. This will differ significantly from the number of cases where COVID-19 was present, but another disease was deemed the underlying cause. If e.g. a cancer patient is too weakened from the cancer to survive being infected by COVID-19 - as only one underlying cause is registered - this will still be cancer, though COVID-19 contributed to the patient dying.

Note: ICD-10: U07.1-U12.9. Standard population based on the total Nordic population 2000. Iceland: Rolling five-year average.
Note: ICD-10: U07.1-U12.9. Standard population based on the total Nordic population 2000. Iceland: Rolling five-year average.
Note: ICD-10: U07.1-U12.9. Finland: 85-89 = 85+. No visible data columns for one country indicates no available data that year for that country.